Accelerate To Academia

MUSC’s College of Graduate Studies is excited to announce a series of short workshops focused on the development of a research-intensive academic career (i.e., research tenure-track path), Accelerate to Academia (A2A). If you are an MUSC graduate student or postdoc committed to such a career path, then you are invited and encouraged to apply.

Apply Here

Our Mission:

  • Prepare MUSC graduate students and postdocs for a career in academia focused on scientific research

  • Help students and postdocs develop a research niche that fits them and is cutting edge

  • Offer guidance from faculty on what it takes to develop an academic research career 

Please register by March 28, 2024

Sessions will begin in early April and continue through the week with sessions that will include panel discussions with academic professionals sharing insights into finding your research niche, perspectives from early career faculty and senior faculty.

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