Research Day

Research Day 2019

Friday, November 1, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Each year, on the first Friday in November, MUSC holds its annual Perry V. Halushka Research Day (RD). Research Day functions as a showcase for the wealth of research being conducted at MUSC and is the day the University truly celebrates its research mission.

Research Day is a great opportunity to practice presentation skills and receive constructive criticism. Awards are also given in special categories, including interprofessional Research, John Vournakis Innovation, Ralph H Johnson VA Medical Center, Center for Healthy Aging, Health Humanities, Lowcountry Center for Veteran's Research, and Sigma Xi.

Research Day Abstract Deadline is Friday, September 27th, 2024.
Apply Here

Keynote Address

Headshot of Dr. David Odde

Modeling and Imaging Approaches to Biology and Medicine

Friday, November 1, 2024
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Harper Center Gym

David Odde, Ph.D.
Professor, The University of Minnesota
Co-director, Therapy Modeling & Design Center
Co-investigator, Cancer Bioengineering Initiative

Schedule of Events

Time Event
8:00-11:30 a.m . Poster Session
Harper Center Gym
12:00-1:00 p.m. Keynote Address
Harper Center Gym
1:30-4:45 p.m. Oral Sessions
James W. Colbert Eucation Center & Library
5:30-6:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony
Drug Discovery Auditorium (DD110)

Research Day Awards

  1. A high quality research study with an accompanying excellent visual and oral presentation
  2. At least two investigators are from different colleges or professions or one investigator is from one college and the faculty advisor from another college
  3. A brief description of the contributions made by each member of the research team to the conduct of the research project
  4. The interprofessional collaboration has enhanced the project in clear and identifiable ways
  5. Identification by selecting "Yes" in the above box relating to interprofessional research.

During your presentation, you must explicitly address how your project meets criteria #2, #3, and #4 above.

To be considered for this award, presentations must meet all four criteria below:

  1. have the potential for development of intellectual property/patentable
  2. have commercial potential
  3. have high scientific merit
  4. be innovative.
  1. Project aims to foster skills in critical thinking, analysis, observation, reflection, or communication among health science students through an arts/humanities educational intervention.
  2. Project aims to improve patient experiences and/or outcomes or to promote resiliency among health care providers through an arts/humanities intervention.

This poster award will recognize work focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and health disparities at MUSC.

The project should tackle at least one of the following research areas:

  • Research aiming to reduce health disparities across ethnic, racial and/or underserved groups
  • Identifying disease states whereby health disparity is predominant
  • Development of treatment modalities providing effective therapies, irrespective of ethnic background
  • Strategies to encourage participation of minorities in national/international registries and/or ongoing studies

This award will acknowledge outstanding international participants, working on projects that demonstrate rigorous scientific approach. Any international researcher is eligible, noting that at least one of two awardees will be a graduate student.

Basic and clinical research projects that focus on healthy aging or better understanding/treating aging-related diseases and conditions will be considered for the Institute for Healthy Aging Award category. Please make it explicitly clear in the abstract how the research is related to aging. This award will be selected by a team of judges sponsored by the MUSC Institute for Healthy Aging.

This award is for presenters whose research is related to VA Research and resources. To qualify for this award, your research must include VA resources, acknowledge Ralph H. Johnson VAMC in the abstract and/or submitted to the VA Research & Developmental Committee for Approval.

Sigma Xi will sponsor an award for best presentation between all qualified oral and poster submissions. The award consist of a $150.00 cash prize and dues for one year membership in Sigma Xi.

  1. The presenter must display superior skills in scientific investigation and communication, commensurate with the individual's level of training.
  2. The presenter or primary advisor must currently be an active, dues-paying member of Sigma Xi.
  3. Contact Karen Burnett at to apply for membership in Sigma Xi.

Contact information for this award is Dr. Karen Burnett of Grice Marine Laboratory, College of Charleston, 205 Fort Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412. Dr. Burnett may be reached by phone at (843) 709-4122 or via email at or Alternative contact is Dr. Jessica McCoy. You may reach her via email at