Prospective Postdocs

As South Carolina's leading biomedical research university, we recognize that postdoctoral scholars are critical to our mission to change what's possible in human health. MUSC leads the state in research funding and is home to an NCI-accredited Cancer Center, a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) hub, an NIDDK-funded Digestive Disease Center, and four NIH-funded Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE). Our research infrastructure includes a gnotobiotic animal facility and several postdoctoral institutional training grants, ensuring postdocs have access to cutting-edge resources. MUSC faculty publish thousands of articles annually and were awarded approximately $300 million in research funding in FY2022. The university is also a hub for biomedical innovation, with more than 50 active biomedical startups driving the future of healthcare.

Our postdocs enjoy a generous benefits package, NRSA benchmarked salaries, and numerous career and professional development opportunities to choose from each year. We hope you will explore our faculty's research, core facilities, and open positions.

Tips for Choosing a Faculty Mentor

MUSC's pedestrian-friendly campus is located in the heart of Charleston, a destination city known for its historic preservation, arts and music, mild climate and beautiful Atlantic shoreline. Learn more about life in Charleston.

Current Postdoctoral Openings

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