Biostatistics Epidemiology

Biostatistics (Ph.D. and M.S. offered)

The DPHS provides innovative interdisciplinary training in analytical and mathematical sciences germane to biology, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, health care, and environmental sciences. Collaboration with other departments offers a wealth of opportunities for students to acquire experience and expertise in the application of analytic methodology and theory to biomedical and clinical problems. Areas of particular emphasis in biostatistics are categorical data analysis, clinical trials, longitudinal data analysis, survival analysis, and spatial and Bayesian statistics. Applied areas of interest are varied and some of the major applications include cancer, dental medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and radiology. The DPHS offers MS and PhD degree in biostatistics.

Epidemiology (Ph.D. and M.S. offered)

The epidemiology faculty is engaged in research that encompasses these domains applied to a broad range of health outcomes that includes aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infectious disease, injury/trauma, neurological disorders, oral health, tobacco and other substance use, and perinatal/reproductive conditions. A cross-cutting theme in common to much of this research is a focus on health disparities. The goal of this novel, independent research is to improve clinical care and advance population health.

Clemson-MUSC Biomedical Data Science and Informatics (Ph.D. program)

Biomedical data science and informatics is an interdisciplinary field that applies concepts and methods from computer science and other quantitative disciplines together with principles of information science to solve challenging problems in biology, medicine and public health.

The nation's transition to new healthcare delivery models and the exponential growth in biomedical data translate to a need for professionals with expertise in data science focused in biomedical research who can leverage big data to improve health in the state and the nation. Specialized tracks will initially include precision medicine, population health, and clinical and translational informatics.

The program is a unique collaboration that brings together Clemson’s strengths in computing, engineering, and public health and MUSC’s expertise in biomedical sciences to produce the next generation of data scientists, prepared to manage and analyze big data sources from mobile sensors to genomic and imaging technologies. Graduates will possess the necessary skills for informatics careers in biology, medicine or public health focused on the development of prescriptive analytics from large data sources.

The priority deadline to apply is December 13, 2024. The final deadline is January 15, 2025. Learn more and apply here